by Robert Gover


Centuries ago, Mayan astrologers found several cycles that will culminate at the winter solstice in December 2012. The 13 baktun, begun in 3114 BC, lasts about 5126 of our years. Another has been called the Mayan Sky Portal or Great Cycle. It lasts about 26,000 of our years, and is due to end/begin simultaneously with the 13 baktun cycle.

"Specifically, the winter solstice Sun will conjunct the Milky Way, which is the edge of our spinning galaxy as viewed from Earth . Furthermore, the place where the Sun meets the Milky Way is where the 'dark rift' in the Milky Way is—a black ridge along the Milky Way caused by interstellar dust clouds. 

This is a feature of the Milky Way anyone can see on a clear midsummer's night, away from the light pollution of industrial society. At dawn on the winter solstice of A.D. 2012, the Sun will be right in this dark rift, and the orientation is such that the Milky Way rims the horizon at all points around. 

Thus, the Milky Way 'sits' on the earth , touching it at all points around, opening up the cosmic sky portal. The galactic and solar planes are thus aligned." (2)

The Maya symbolized this dark rift as the universal mother god's vagina, from which is born the new god of our world—in some accounts the Sun god of enlightenment corresponding to the Christian Christ. In Western astrology and astronomy, the Mayan Sky Portal or Great Cycle is called the Precession of the Equinoxes. (3) There is evidence that ancient astrologers all around our planet were aware of it centuries before the invention of the telescope.
In 3114 BC at the beginning of the 13 baktun cycle, human beings were emerging from the Stone Age and entering the Bronze Age. During this cycle, humans made tremendous advancements in how we provide food, shelter, clothing and amenities for ourselves. This period also marks the first use of money in the form of metal coins. During this 13-baktun cycle metal coins gave way to paper money. The Chinese used paper IOU's centuries before the Swedes, in 1661, introduced paper bills denominated in specific amounts, an experiment that stimulated rapid inflation, landing the head of Sweden's central bank in jail. But the idea was catchy, and one cycle of Saturn later, in 1694, paper money began to spread throughout Europe and into the American colonies.

A third Mayan cycle has a direct bearing on money and economics. It lasts around 256 of our years and is composed of 19.7 year periods called Days and Nights. This cycle last began in 1755 and is due to end in 2011, and/or on the cusp of the winter solstice of 2012.

Each Night period of this cycle has been characterized by economic difficulties of one kind or another: 1775, the American Revolution followed by a great depression; 1814, the War of 1812; 1854, the financial crash of 1857; 1893, a severe (although not quite great) depression; 1932, what we now call The Great Depression; and 1972, "stagflation" and an OPEC oil embargo. During the most recent Mayan Night in 1972 the Nixon Administration took the dollar off the gold standard. Prior to that time, dollars could be exchanged for their value in gold—theoretically, at least. Disconnecting from the gold standard meant the dollar "floated free," fluctuating in value against other currencies.

Today, most of what we call money is not greenback paper bills but numbers stored in bank computers and spent or earned via checks, credit cards or electronic transfers from one bank's computer to another bank's computer. The European Union's new currency, the euro, is purely abstract money. In effect, Europeans decided that since the American dollar did so well after it was taken off the gold standard, why not create a European currency that floats free from day one?

"Assume that, for whatever reason, all the information in the computers of the banks of the world were suddenly eradicated. This would mean that all accounts and holdings of money, stock, options, etc., would disappear. Although many individuals would regard this as a catastrophe, we may ask if anything of value would be lost. Obviously not! All natural resources, buildings, machines, human knowledge, goods, etc., that existed before, would remain untouched by such a hypothetical synchronistic crash in all the world's bank computers. In terms of real values, nothing would be lost and the world could easily pick up the day after (leaving aside the emotional effects this occurrence would have on many)." (1)

The author of the above quote is Carl Johan Calleman, a biomedical scientist with a Ph. D. from the University of Stockholm. He has dedicated himself to studying the Mayan Calendar and finding correlations between it and economic history. And he has concluded this:
"The correlation between (economic and Mayan cycles) is so strong that most economists could only dream of attaining a similar concordance to support their theories. What is more, it is based on very simple facts that anyone with a basic economic education can verify."
The Mayan texts concerning 2012 have been translated as meaning "the end of the world." From what Calleman and others have found in studies of Mayan astrology and economic cycles, I think we can safely assume the Maya did not mean the literal end of the physical world. Mayan astrologers were students of perspective, so what is more likely to end is the perspective humanity developed since 3114 BC. The winter solstice 2012 will also mark our entry into the Age of Aquarius, as it is called in Western astrology. In fact, one could argue that a new perspective around this time was even predicted by the ancient Egyptian astrologers, who were also aware of the precession of the equinoxes.

The Maya believed in an "Underworld," a causal realm of pure energy/consciousness, the realm of the gods. From this realm arises the material world we perceive with our senses. The Maya also believed, as did native Americans generally, that Mother Earth is the source of all our material well-being and/or wealth. In other words, Mother Earth is the fattest of all fat-cat capitalists.
Inspecting the planetary positions for this upcoming date, we note another coincidence or correlation: It occurs during the longest Uranus-Pluto square on record going back to at least year 1 AD. The United States, the world's "economic engine," will be especially hit by this square, as it will form a grand cross to the nation's nataò Sun/Saturn square.

Money has progressed from metal coins to paper rectangles to numbers stored in bank computers; Money has evolved from natural material things to pure abstraction. From the perspective of the ancient Mayan astrologers, this abstracting of money from Mother Nature means our modern world's financial system is ripe for revolution around 2012. Most modern economist scoff at the idea that cyber money endangers the world's financial system. They tend to think in terms of linear time, as compared to cyclical time measured by repeating planetary aspects and other celestial events. A modern university professor can proclaim that "history repeats," but he'd better not show curiosity about planetary cycles correlating with historic repetitions or he'll be in danger of losing his tenure and being ostracized by his colleagues. In this regard, modern academics resemble the cloistered monks of the Dark Ages: they've changed from robes to suits and ties without removing the lens of Medieval taboos.
It's unfortunate that modern economists are prohibited from studying both Western and Mayan astrology, charting the history of Money cyclically, and correlating planetary cycles and angles with economic events. If they were able to study these astrological cycles, the whole world would be much better prepared for whatever major change is due to begin around 2012. 


1.The Mayan Calendar and the Cycles of the World Economy by Carl Johan Calleman. Dr. Calleman has lectured about the Mayan calendar in nine different countries and was one of the main speakers at the Indigenous Council of the Americas in Merida, Yucatan, 1998. An English edition of his book, Enlightenment: the Mayan Calendar as a Guide to Our Future is due out in 2003 from Acalan, Albuquerque.

2. John Major Jenkins, Thesis (From the Center of Mayan Time), 1994. Jenkins has studied and written extensively on Mayan mathematics and astrology. Search his name on Google for others sources of his abundant information.

3. Precession of the equinoxes: The axis of the Earth's rotation wobbles something like a toy top. This very slowly changes the position of the Earth in relationship to the Zodiac; these changes are denoted as Ages: the Age of Pisces  is ending now as the Age of Aquarius is beginning. A more scientific explanation follows:

"The gravitational pull of the Moon, and to a lesser extent of the Sun, on the equatorial bulge of the Earth causes the Earth's poles of rotation to gyrate or slightly nod. These slight periodic perturbations of the Earth's polar axis cause the Soli-Lunar Precession, a more extensive motion and longer in period. Accounting for all the changes in the orbits of the Earth and Moon due to the action of the planets shows that the mean period of the Sun-Moon Precession is 25,694.8 years. This precession of the Poles cause it to point at different stars. Thus in 2102 the North Pole will point nearly direct at Polaris." Crystalinks.

4. "The winter solstice is an important turning point in the year. It marks the day of least daylight and the beginning of increasing daylight, the return to the life-giving warmth of summer. To compare, the summer solstice occurs exactly six months later and marks the longest day of the year. The two equinoxes in March and September mark the two days when day and night are exactly equal. Thus the year is divided into four seasons, and the two equinoxes and two solstices are thought of as directional "pillars" supporting the year. Seasons occur because the Earth's plane of rotation is tilted in relation to its orbital plane around the sun. As the Earth orbits the sun throughout the year, the length of daylight waxes and wanes accordingly. The four "pillars" of the year designate significant moments in the yearly cycle, and highlight seasonal changes which human beings everywhere still anticipate and plan by." John Major Jenkins.


by Robert Gover - All Rights Reserved