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JULY 2024

by Lynn Koiner

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New Age



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JULY 2024 Phenomena: 


Septiles between the personal planets generally favor intuitive insights. See article on my website on Multi-Dimensional Phenomena. There was a minor cluster on June 6 – it was actually June 5 when I attended a King Tut exhibition but, on the 6th, I wore my Egyptian jewelry and connected with a past life.

JULY 6-9: This is the strongest Septile period this month because Mars, slower moving, forms a major cluster within one day. This is an excellent day to connect with multi-dimensional phenomena, to gain intuitive flashes and to take inspired action in some area of your life.

JULY 18 and 30: The septiles are only from the personal planets to the outer planets but it is composed of a long series. It favors inspired and intuitive flashes. You can pick up sensations about places and people. Meditation will be helpful to connect with other dimensions.

MAJOR EVENTS FOR JULY 2024 – For Transiting Retrogrades, see www.lynnkoiner.com Not all dates have not been updated but the interpretation is correct. 

JULY 2: Neptune turns Retrograde at 29 Pisces, an Ending Cycle

JULY 5: New Moon at 14 Cancer at 6:57pm EDT

JULY 15: Mars-Uranus Conjunction at 26 Taurus

JULY 20: Mars enters Gemini

JULY 21: Full Moon at 29 Capricorn at 6:17 am EDT, an Ending Cycle

JULY 22: Sun enters Leo


My former horary teacher, Gil Navarro, said that, when the Outer Planets reach the Ending Degrees, people feel desperate, at the end of their rope. People commit desperate and even violent actions. We can see this daily in the news with people killing people for no apparent reason. These are desperate times. This spring and summer Pluto goes into 0 Aquarius but it will not be until 2024 that it fully leaves the Ending Degrees. Then, Neptune will be in the Ending Degrees and people tune out or delude themselves in desperation. 
For example, the Dollar Store shooting by Ryan Palmeter who later shot himself after shooting others.

ADDENDUM: I have observed that, when Pluto is in the Ending Degrees of Capricorn, many people are having accidents or health issues. I know that, when I have had a major health issue in the past, it always precedes a major life transformation. An accident or health issue will break up some patterns in our lives. With Pluto entering Aquarius, everything is going to change, just as it did when Pluto entered Capricorn. This often happens in natal charts when a progressed planet changes signs – we are confronted with a “fork in the road” and we must make a decision. It is when we cannot decide that fate takes over. You do not want that – Fate is a bitch!


GOOD DATES/PERIODS for JULY 2024 – All times are EDT

JUNE 2: The Moon is in the sign of Taurus and there is just a small period from 9am to 11:30am EDT where there is just the Moon sextile Neptune. This period favors creative, spiritual, meditative and even spiritual gatherings. 

JUNE 5-6: The Moon is in the sign of Cancer and it only makes a series of favorable aspects, ending with a trine to Neptune. Neptune always brings help via a Spirit Guide. In all of your actions, go with the flow and allow yourself to be guided by intuition. This period is great for relationships and social interaction. Activities that are creative or humanitarian are also favored.

JULY 25: The Moon is in the sign of Pisces and it has favorable aspects until 10:30am EDT. There is a sextile to Uranus and then the Moon crosses Neptune. Always, a Spirit Guide helps to channel you in the appropriate direction. Any creative, recreative or intuitive activities are favored.

JULY 26: The Moon is in the sign of Aries and it is well-aspected until 6pm EDT. This period favors relationships, working cooperatively with others and all expansive activities.

NOTE TO READER: These dates are based upon electional techniques. All of the Moon sign dates apply to everyone. Do not simply read your own Moon sign – read all of the signs for what I say about the specific dates. The Moon sign information will NOT describe the day, only the outcome if you initiate something important on that day. Favorable periods are in Bold Print.







* ARIES (March 19-April 19): There can be a mood of indecision but this is not typical for Aries. Your feelings may be hurt – get out of this mood. This is a strong month for spiritual studies, to understand the karmic influences manifesting now and to empower through understanding. The spiritual aspects of this period will lift your Spirit to higher realms.
JULY 26: The Moon is in the sign of Aries and it is well-aspected until 6pm EDT. This period favors relationships, working cooperatively with others and all expansive activities.












* TAURUS (April 20-May 20): There will be some type of awakening for you this month. The awakening can be with regard to creative abilities or spiritual insights. Something will be offered this month as a result of your personal changes. By month’s end, there will be a social gathering, possibly around a wedding. A couple is involved.
JUNE 2: The Moon is in the sign of Taurus and there is just a small period from 9am to 11:30am EDT where there is just the Moon sextile Neptune. This period favors creative, spiritual, meditative and even spiritual gatherings. 
JULY 28-29: The Moon returns to the sign of Taurus and there is a brief period from 12pm to 4:30pm EDT when the Moon sextiles Neptune. This requires you to go with the flow or engage in meditative experiences. If you act earlier, Uranus may cause a sudden disruption. 













* GEMINI (May 21-June 20):     You may find yourself dealing with authority. You may feel annoyed from playing by the rules but this must be done. You may not feel so chipper this month – there could be small financial annoyances. It is best to talk with someone whom your trust - talking always makes Gemini feel better. 
The Moon is in the sign of Gemini late on July 2 through July 4; July 30-31. With so many planets in Mutable signs, this will be a disruptive period to start anything. The Moon ends with a square to Saturn and then Neptune. Complications and “red tape” will cause delays and the matter fizzles out. The same aspects occur on both of these periods.











* CANCER (June 21-July 22): You will be quite busy this month but it will be fun and stimulating. Keep relationships fun and not intense. This is an excellent month to make plans for the future. This can be travel or education. NOTE: When I cannot sleep at night, I get up and make plans for my next trip. 
JUNE 5-6: The Moon is in the sign of Cancer and it only makes a series of favorable aspects, ending with a trine to Neptune. Neptune always brings help via a Spirit Guide. In all of your actions, go with the flow and allow yourself to be guided by intuition. This period is great for relationships and social interaction. Activities that are creative or humanitarian are also favored.










* LEO (July 23-August 22):  This is a good month for vacationing, being where it is warm and sunny and getting in touch with your Inner Child. Yes, you may find yourself dealing with a play-by-the-rules authority figure but it is an excellent time to makes plans for the future – especially for travel, possibly crossing a large body of water.
The Moon is in the sign of Leo on July 7-8. While the aspects are favorable on the 7th, the 8th is highly disruptive as the Moon ends with a square to Mars-Uranus. Anger, disruptions, accidents – pick another day to commence anything important.









* VIRGO (August 23-September 22):  You will feel much more energetic this month with lots of enthusiasm for starting new projects and initiating action. You will be quite busy this month but it will be fun and energizing. You will also make plans for the future and your travels. NOTE: I am going to the Tempe AZ conference in October and Bavaria in November-December. I am always planning the upcoming trip – even 2025 to the Balkans!
The Moon is in the sign of Virgo on July 10-11. All of the aspects are great but Venus changes signs (goes off somewhere else) and the last aspect is an opposition to Neptune. Something falls through and fizzles out in the end.














* LIBRA (September 23-October 22):  Like many of the other signs this month, you will have to deal with one in authority and play by the rules. You will also find yourself dealing with a woman in authority, a woman who has more compassion and loves animals. By month’s end, everything will start to change in your life – your world is changing and you cannot stop the progression.
The Moon is in the sign of Libra on July 12-13 and it makes all favorable aspects until the end when the Moon squares the Sun. Earlier, Venus opposes Pluto so a relationship complication occurs. The Moon-Sun aspect is not a seriously bad aspect but one in authority interferes with your action.














* SCORPIO (October 23-November 21):  There are repeating patterns with many of the Sun signs this month. Again, this is a month to make plans for the future, especially for travel and possibly near mountains. You too will have to deal with one in authority and play by the rules. But, there is a woman around you who has experienced losses and even betrayal. She manifests jealousy or resentment. Keep in mind her losses. Edgar Cayce said that love is expressed through tolerance, patience and understanding.
The Moon is in the sign of Scorpio on July 14-16. There is a Mars-Uranus conjunction in Taurus so the ending aspects are the opposition to Mars-Uranus causing a disruption and hostile feelings. The actual ending aspect is a trine to Neptune so just go with the flow when people get out of hand. 















* SAGITTARIUS (November 22-December 20):  Many changes and fluctuations will manifest this month, especially involving travel and finances. This is a good month to treat yourself royally – go to the spa, great restaurants or relax at the beach in a pricey hotel. It is important to have balance in your life – a balance between work and relaxation – the material and the spiritual.
The Moon is in the sign of Sagittarius on July 17-18 and it forms squares to Jupiter-Saturn-Neptune. Too many rules and limitations will cause you to lose interest and the matter will fizzle.












* CAPRICORN (December 22-January 19): There will be times this month when you feel alone and isolated but this is a choice that you have made. New ideas and opportunities may be presented this month but, before you can take advantage, you need to walk away from situations that are emotionally draining. Take the moral high road and walk away. Remember, 2024 is still an Ending Cycle for all of us.
The Moon is in the sign of Capricorn from July 19 through early 21. There is a Full Moon at this time which is not always a favorable aspect, denoting opposition from one in authority. Mars changes signs from its Detriment to Gemini – energies are shifting but follow you intuition as you bring a cycle to an end at this time.

















* AQUARIUS (January 20-February 17):  This is a good month to allow your resources to grow - no big expenditures at this time. The warning this month is against any impulsive or rash action. The typical Aquarian rash action is contrariness – to do the opposite when angered (I am Uranian so I know this all too well but overcoming in my old age). You have the mental tools and power of Will to master any situation. Use the force of your Will to manifest what you need.
The Moon is in the sign of Aquarius from July 21-23 (the Moon goes VOC at 5:57am EDT on the 23rd but I have readers in Europe so this would be in the afternoon for them). The Ending aspects on the 23rd are very stressful with a square to Uranus and an opposition to Mercury in the Ending Degrees. A matter commenced during this period will end suddenly with a disagreement and a parting of the ways.















* PISCES (February 18-March 19): This is a month for you to be a Seeker – a seeker of wisdom and self-knowledge. Meditation and spiritual studies can support this. New ideas and insights can manifest – especially use the Septile dates for July. There may be a man in authority in your life – there can be a deception around him at this time.
JULY 25: The Moon is in the sign of Pisces and it has favorable aspects until 10:30am EDT. There is a sextile to Uranus and then the Moon crosses Neptune. Always, a Spirit Guide helps to channel you in the appropriate direction. Any creative, recreative or intuitive activities are favored.





