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Under the sign of the Pisces we hardly have a passional fan; we rather find people from the too rooted sporting faith, very sensitive to the alternate fortunes of the championship. 

They are sincerely fans of a certain X team today, but tomorrow they can feed already doubts on their own feelings and the day after tomorrow they could wonder how they have done for so much time to become themselves account that the team Y clearly makes a superior game, to be excepted lightened next week by a Z team or again to revalue the X one. 

The same indefinite attitude they have to judge the competitions: they are for and against at the same moment and it absolutely is not clear to anybody (even to him) what they think of it. In short the Pisces, gentlemen of the 


by by Laura82  - All Rights Reserved

relativismo, never definitely land on anybody shore, but they eternally swim in the vast ocean of the endless possible alternatives. Certainly however while they are loving a team their love is visceral and full of pathos, without saving something; every sacrifice will be well accept and any suffering almost welcomed with joy (to occupy a place to the stadium since the dawn with the cold, to make a trip of 10 hours in bus to follow the team somewhere,…).

ow to dissuade his attention from the match

If you have a serious sick, someone to visit in hospital or an acquaintance on the edge of the suicide for punishments of love, is to horse. In lack of these external magnets, you cut an onion and then show while touched you read a book of poetries or a novel; he will probably desire to participate to the "party"…


Texts by Marameo - All Rights Reserved