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It's difficult to define him a real Fan; he is rather a TV shows' fan, if then he deals with sport it is better, because the dynamism is mostly abstract.. even comfortably staying sat (what the others are gotten tired!).

Gemini is never satisfied to follow a game; he prefers to multiply (or better dividing) his attention on so many events as possible. He is probable that in the meantime he makes an unbridled zapping among the several tv channels, or turns on different apparatuses to follow different telecasts. He almost certainly has the telephone to course of hand and he phones to this or that friend immediately to comment what happens on the game fields.

For Gemini the fundamental charm of the 


by Stefano Grassi - All Rights Reserved

Kick is just in the fact that offers a drug wealth of matters of which to speak and chat with a big number of unknown people as well, of which Gemini is highestly always happy. 

How to dissuade his attention from the match

It's easy: a joke, a gossip, an unusual noise…and his attention is quickly moved (but don't delude to hold back him for more than few second…).


Texts by Marameo - All Rights Reserved