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The Cancer is a rather atypical Fan, in the sense that usually conducting a  very "retreat" life, he will rarely manifest his possible sporting passion in many "visible" ways  to which he's accustomed. 

Being however the Kick "departs" of the National Tradition, the Cancer is not certainly able  to stay indifferent to it! He will be a fan by the intense emotional share and suffered,  authentically thrilling for the fates of the team of the heart, for which obviously he was already a fan just in the kindergarten and probably he've been ioved the same team of his dad and his grandfather (he likes to inherit well every type of  his family). 

Not there and doubtful some that he will see the matches at hone (which sets best???), done surround by his conveniences and protected by the family environment that so much reassures.


by Laura82 - tutti i diritti riservati

With every probability, the matches is livied similarly to the real rite, to purpose   will superstitiously love to wear "that" sweater, drink "that" liquor, see the tv together with "that" person and even to put the armchair in "that" particular position!


How to dissuade his attention from the match

When the match starts, it's possible some he will suffer of stomachache, expecially if hes team had to fight, while in case of favorable result he will express his satisfaction the tummy cuddling; in both cases the rite-match will ask for a good dose of candy.

Tell him that his mom looks for him at the telephone, or hand to him a digestive wearing on  bra stuffed style at least fourth grade measure.


Texts by Marameo - All Rights Reserved