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The Aries Fan is with no doubt the most "macho" of the Fans; he is the one who is felt to howl stronger than whoever other when the team of the heart marks a goal… and he can says everything when it suffers him, always reacting with big noise helping himself with kicks or fists to some mobile (but they are nourished founded suspicions that, as a primitive, has a cudgel…). We can say with a certain safety that the fan born in Aries is the prototype of the Fan; he is in fact the noisiest and instinctive in the demonstration of his sporting passion.   

It is necessary as first of all saying that it is unlikely a great deal that the Aries Fan  is home-lover; he prefers to look at the game together with the friends, to the Sporting Cafet or to the XYZ Club, because a soimething he considers "virile"; if it is in the house he wants to say that he is organized with friends and some beer. Its love for the team of the heart is absolutely explosive; in case of success it is the first one to throw himself in the roads starting the carousel of automobiles that they wave flags.

The Aries, is besides the classical type that he vigorously affirms, that if its beloved team has lost for a series of unfortunate adverse circumstances 


by Laura82 - tutti i diritti riservati

and/or  impudent fortune of the adversary… while obviously if it  wins he has been "despite" analogous adversity, for which the defeat will be never a true defeat and the victory will be always a bright victory and strameritata.


How to dissuade his attention from the match

Until he is together with his friends, you would risk to brutally be chased away again in the angle reserved to the females (kitchen, laundromat…). You are also dissuaded warmly to look for him to the Sporting Cafe, because he would live it as an intolerable invasion of territory. Try to come into his visual match (even swinging hung you to the chandelier) set as "custom from Jane"; Tarzan that palpitates in the breast of every Aries will perhaps feel the call of the forest!


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